pacific halibut in Chinese
- 太平洋大比目鱼
- 狭鳞庸鲽;太平洋庸鲽
- "pacific" in Chinese : adj. 1.和平的,太平的;平时的。 2.爱好和平的, ...
- "halibut" in Chinese : n. (pl. halibuts, 〔集合词〕halib ...
- "international pacific halibut commission" in Chinese : 国际太平洋比目鱼委员会
- "international pacific halibut convention" in Chinese : 国际太平洋大比目鱼公约
- "halibut" in Chinese : n. (pl. halibuts, 〔集合词〕halibut) 【动物;动物 ...
- "atlantic halibut" in Chinese : 大西洋庸鲽; 庸鲽
- "bastard halibut" in Chinese : 牙鲆; 异形鲽
- "california halibut" in Chinese : 北美牙鲆; 加利福尼亚牙鲆;北美芽鲆
- "chicken halibut" in Chinese : 小庸鲽
- "false halibut" in Chinese : 牙鲆
- "green halibut" in Chinese : 绿变线鲽
- "greenland halibut" in Chinese : 马舌鲽
- "grilled halibut" in Chinese : 扒比目鱼
- "halibut gaff" in Chinese : 鲽叉
- "halibut liver" in Chinese : 比目鱼肝, 庸蝶鱼肝
- The tayih landis worked closely with the ctot to ensure that fresh ingredients were imported from canada especially for the festival : atlantic salmon , pacific halibut , west coast oysters , wild rice , maple syrup and more
Other Languages
- "pacific halibut" meaning: Noun: Pacific halibut A righteye flounder found in ...
- "pacific halibut" meaning in Russian: тихоокеанский палтус ( Hippoglossus stenolepis ), белокоры...
"greenland halibut" in Chinese, "pacific pilchard" in Chinese, "pacific capelin" in Chinese, "western pacific" in Chinese, "pacific basin" in Chinese, "pacific herring" in Chinese, "pacific rim" in Chinese, "pacific protocontinent" in Chinese, "mauri pacific" in Chinese, "pacific grove" in Chinese, "pacific gulf oil co" in Chinese, "pacific gull" in Chinese, "pacific hagfish" in Chinese, "pacific hake" in Chinese, "pacific harbour" in Chinese, "pacific heights" in Chinese, "pacific hemlock" in Chinese, "pacific high" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of pacific halibut in Chinese and how to say pacific halibut in Chinese? pacific halibut Chinese meaning, pacific halibut的中文,pacific halibut的中文,pacific halibut的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by